Tuesday 22 October 2013


Scene Analysis

How is America represented as a Nation in Homeland?

Issues in Homeland

  • Mental Health
  • Violence
  • Corruption
  • Terrorism
  • Deception

Mental Health

Look at the following headlines taken from The Sun. What impact do you think that this may have on the reader's perception of mental health conditions?

These articles paint a negative picture. The Guardian published an article based on stories. It states:
The phrase "mental patients" used in the Sun's headline conjures up images of Asda's "mental patient fancy dress costume" which was withdrawn last month. It's one of a few problems with the newspaper's splash.
People with mental health issues are already stigmatised in the UK. The last time the NHS surveyed 1,741 adults to ask them what they thought about mental health:
• 1 in 5 said "anyone with a history of mental problems should be excluded from taking public office".
• 1 in 10 said "it is frightening to think of people with mental problems living in residential neighbourhoods".
• 1 in 10 said "A woman would be foolish to marry a man who has suffered from mental illness, even though he seems fully recovered".

See full article http://www.theguardian.com/society/reality-check/2013/oct/07/sun-people-killed-mental-health-true

Think about these statistics and these headlines. Use this to help you put your points into context when discussing Carrie's mental health condition.

Carrie had bipolar. This means that without her medication to help to control the condition, she will become manic followed by long periods of depression.

Look at the website for 'Mind' which is an organisation set up to support people with a range of mental health problems. You will find some useful background information on the symptoms and treatment which are highlighted in some of the scenes in Homeland.


National Identity