Tuesday 18 December 2012


The Olympic Ceremony

This Text covers the following representations:

  • Events
  • National Identity (Predominantly Britain with some American representation)
This case study will be excellent to compare with Downton Abbey for representation of Britain and to Homeland (The western nations as superior).

(Click on the link on the video to view clip - someone needs to tell the committee that they are messing up the presentation of my blog due to their copyright demands! ARGHHHH)

  • Directed by Danny Boyle who is English.
  • James Bond (intertextual reference) Daniel Craig is a British actor and James Bond is a prolific film that is well knows for being British.

  • Visual Codes
    • The words 'Happy and Glorious' - link to the national anthem but the words also suggest that we are a glorious nation.
    • Gold colours signify wealth. Red and Gold are 'royal colours'.
    • Queens guards are used.
    • Flag with the Lions (Royal Standard) - British coat of arms linking back to Richard I (1198) - depicts strength and dominance.
    • The clock where the queen is sat related to a regimented and organised nation.
    • Black Hackney cab
    • Police officers - Law and order.
    • Throne room signifies high class and royalty.
    • Suits - Nation are smart and respectful.
    • Famous Corgi dogs
    • The Queen
    • British flags - The nation is patriotic and proud to be British.
    • Flags from other nations sugessts that Britian is accepting of others and multi-cultural nation.
    • Close up of the words 'Happy and Glorious' sums up the British nation.
    • People from all ethnicities and class. Again suggesting is accepting and 'one country'.
    • Brazilian children are featured at the beginning - Brazil will host the next Olympics and as a nation we are showing them how it is done! They are in awe of the country and everything around them is so much better than their country. Could also suggest that Britain is a multi-cultural society and an accepting nation.
    • Crowds taking photos on phones suggest that the British are technologically advanced.
    • Old building VS New buildings - The British value their history yet they keep with the times. Best of both worlds.

    Audio Codes

    • Speech - Received Pronunciation by characters and commentator.
    • Classical music used which signifies Britain as being sophisticated and an upper class nation It also reminds the audience of the historical nature of the country and reminds them of royalty.
    • chimes of the clock which signifies tradition and a reminder of the Big Ben.
    • Dam Busters music is used. The Dam Busters was about world war II and the British attacking the German Dams - This is a reminder to the world that Britain is a superior nation as they 'go into battle' in the helicopter. The music was composed by British composer Eric Coates.
    • Crowds cheering which suggests that the public are proud to be be British and that they are celebrating the culture.

    There are various landmarks that are used:
    • Buckingham Palace
    • Big Ben
    • London Eye
    • River Thames
    • Lion statue in Trafalgar Square
    • Churchill statue - routed in British success.
    • London Bridge
    • Houses of Parliament.
    • Nelsons column.
    • St Paul's Cathedral
    • Gherkin building (financial building) - British are well off/financial success.
    most of these can bee seen in one shot (shot from the helicopter). the scene has been constructed to present these at one given time to present key iconography to a worldwide audience.

    BBC London News Report

    BBC LONDON NEWS REPORT - Broadcast in London

    • The BBC report is extremely bias in its representations. It is important to understand why this is and explain in your essay answer. The report is told by a British Television Company, by British producers so it is in their best interest to promote the British Olympics as positively as possible.

    FOX'S RED EYE NEWS REPORT - Broadcast in America.

    • As highlighted above, it is again important to understand why the American's to not take on the same perspective as the British broadcasting does. The American's mock the ceremony as they need to create a topic of interest and to engage their American audience. Promoting the event is not necessarily in their best interest as they are merely onlookers and do not have the same patriotic motivations as the British do.

    • Fox represent the event and the British as a bit 'stupid' as they constantly make reference to the fact that they do not understand what the ceremony meant.
    • Britain is represented as 'over the top' and that parts of the ceremony were "bizzare" i.e Sick children. they also refer to the NHS sequence in the ceremony as propaganda.
    • To a British audience, the broadcast of Red Eye, represents the American's as arrogant and stupid as they do not understand what the British were trying to achieve. the readings are opposite depending on the type of audience and the nationality of those watching. 



    Tuesday 25 September 2012


    Tangled (2010)

    Tangled is one of Disney’s most recent animated fairy tales which is loosely based on the folktale of Rapunzel by Brothers Grimm. The story follows the magically long-haired Rapunzel that has spent her entire life in a tower longing to discover the world around her. When a runaway thief stumbles upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is. In updating the character of Rapunzel for the 21st century, the filmmakers decided to make her a much more bold and self-sufficient figure than she was in the original fairy tale.
    Production Companies:
    Walt Disney Animation Studios
    Walt Disney Pictures

    Computer Animation

    Tangled is Disney’s 50th animated motion picture. It has been made by generating animated images using computer graphics. CGI or computer generated imagery is a widely used acceptable term but includes still as well as moving images whereas animation is only for moving images.
    The biggest challenge for the filmmakers was to convincingly animate Rapunzel’s yards and yards of hair, explains animation supervisor Clay Kaytis, “No studio has ever had to do 70 feet of hair before. You’ve seen computer-animated hair, and most of the time, it’s pretty passive. Characters don’t usually interact with it; they don’t throw it around or whip it into chairs. This is the first time anyone’s ever done this kind of work.”
    In this Case Study we are going to introduce two key concepts we will address throughout your course and in your exam: Representation and Audience.
    We will then analyse the representations of males and females in the film. We will be focusing on the way in which technical codes are used to create meaning and how the audience reads the text. We will also explore the narrative structure and narrative theories.
    Watch the following clips and write down some notes on how the creators of Tangled attempted to represent the characters within the movie.

    Scene Analysis

    Study the following scenes how are gender roles represented and what stereotypes and ideologies are being portrayed through the technical, audio and visual codes?

    Rapuunzels domestic role "When will my Life Begin"

    Mother Gothel "Mother Knows Best"

    Rapunzel and Flynn meet for the first time.

    Pub Scene - Masculine meets Feminine"I've got a Dream"

    Narrative in Tangled:

    Binary Oppositions in Tangled:

    How is Rapunzel represented?  (Please give textual examples)

    How is Flynn Rider represented?  (Please give textual examples)
    How is Mother Gothel represented?  (Please give textual examples)

    How are the two thugs represented?  (Please give textual examples)



    'When will my Life Begin'

    "When will my Life Begin?"

    7 AM, the usual morning lineup:
    Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean
    Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
    Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15.

    And so I'll read a book
    Or maybe two or three
    I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
    I'll play guitar and knit
    And cook and basically
    Just wonder when will my life begin?

    Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking
    Paper mache, a bit of ballet and chess
    Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making
    Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb,
    Sew a dress!

    And I'll reread the books
    If I have time to spare
    I'll paint the walls some more,
    I'm sure there's room somewhere.
    And then I'll brush and brush,
    and brush and brush my hair
    Stuck in the same place I've always been.

    And I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin'
    And wonderin' and wonderin'
    When will my life begin?

    And tomorrow night,
    Lights will appear
    Just like they do on my birthday each year.
    What is it like
    Out there where they glow?
    Now that I'm older,
    Mother might just
    Let me go ...

    "Mother Knows Best" 
    Mother Gothel:
    You want to go outside? Why, Rapunzel...!
    Look at you, as fragile as a flower
    Still a little sapling, just a sprout
    You know why we stay up in this tower

    I know but...

    Mother Gothel:
    That's right, to keep you safe and sound, dear
    Guess I always knew this day was coming
    Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest
    Soon, but not yet

    But --

    Mother Gothel:
    Trust me, pet
    Mother knows best
    Mother knows best
    Listen to your mother
    It's a scary world out there
    Mother knows best
    One way or another
    Something will go wrong, I swear
    Ruffians, thugs
    Poison ivy, quicksand
    Cannibals and snakes
    The plague


    Mother Gothel:

    But --

    Mother Gothel:
    Also large bugs
    Men with pointy teeth, and
    Stop, no more, you'll just upset me
    Mother's right here
    Mother will protect you
    Darling, here's what I suggest
    Skip the drama
    Stay with mama
    Mother knows best
    Go ahead, get trampled by a rhino

    “I’ve got a Dream”
    I'm malicious, mean and scary
    My sneer could curdle dairy
    And violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanest

    But despite my evil look
    And my temper and my hook
    I've always yearned to be a concert pianist

    Can't you see me on the stage performin' Mozart
    Ticklin' the ivories 'til they gleam?

    Yep, I'd rather be called deadly
    For my killer show tune medley
    Thank you, 'cause way down deep inside I've got a dream

    He's got a dream
    He's got a dream
    See, I ain't as cruel and vicious as I seem

    Though I do like breaking femurs
    You can count me with the dreamers
    Like everybody else, I've got a dream

    I've got scars and lumps and bruises
    Plus something here that oozes
    And let's not even mention my complexion

    But despite my extra toes
    And my goiter and my nose
    I really wanna make a love connection

    Can't you see me with a special little lady

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    Rowin' in a rowboat down the stream?

    Though I'm one disgusting blighter
    I'm a lover, not a fighter
    'Cause way down deep inside, I've got a dream

    I've got a dream
    (He's got a dream)
    I've got a dream
    (He's got a dream)
    And I know one day romance will reign supreme

    Though my face leaves people screaming
    There's a child behind it, dreaming
    Like everybody else, I've got a dream

    Tor would like to quit and be a florist
    Gunther does interior design
    Ulf is into mime, Attila's cupcakes are sublime
    Bruiser knits, killer sews, Fang does little puppet shows
    And Vladimir collects ceramic unicorns

    I have dreams like you, no, really
    Just much less touchy-feely
    They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny

    On an island that I own
    Tanned and rested and alone
    Surrounded by enormous piles of money

    I've got a dream
    (She's got a dream)
    I've got a dream
    (She's got a dream)
    I just wanna see the floating lanterns gleam

    And with every passing hour
    I'm so glad I left my tower
    Like all you lovely folks, I've got a dream

    She's got a dream
    He's got a dream
    They've got a dream
    We've got a dream
    So our differences ain't really that extreme
    We're one big team

    Call us brutal
    And grotesquely optimistic
    'Cause way down deep inside, we've got a dream




    Watch the following clips and answer the questions on your work sheet.

    Beauty and the Beast (1991)

    Up (2010)

    àLook at the following stills from different Disney films.
    • What do they tell us about changes in the ways women have been represented on screen in the last century?
    • Have things changed or have they stayed the same? Can we apply the male gaze?

    Snow White
    Jessika Rabbit
    The Princess and the frog

    How does the character Mulan challenge representations of women?


    Monday 14 May 2012


    AS Media Studies: Approaching Audience Questions

    How does the same media text attract/target a range of different audiences?  Refer to your own detailed examples.

    ·         Outline that a media texts primary aim is to attract audiences so they keep getting funding for their product or target again to meet target audiences needs and get high viewing figures.
    ·         Explain that audience are attracted to media products for many different reasons and give some examples of what they may be...... (e.g. Narrative, Characters, Personal Identity, Information, Loyalty, Social Identity etc)
    ·         Explain which texts your answer will approach
    Main Body:
    ·         For question 2c and 3 give 3 textual examples.

    ·         Remember you need to choose texts to discuss that attract a RANGE of different audiences so it needs to be a text that will be popular with different audiences
    ·         You will need to explain:

    Ø   The genre of the text
    Ø  Reason for attracting different audiences
    Ø  Examples from the actual text that may attract different audiences for different reasons- explain these reasons in detail
    Ø  Viewing habits- if a programme is on at prime time 6pm-9pm then it is more likely a more diverse audience will be attracted to the programme
    Ø  With reference to film, a classification may affect who views it (e.g. if the film is an 18 it discounts anyone below this age barrier)
    Ø  Compare and contrast different reasons for consuming these texts and what may be communicated to the audience through them

    ·         Good texts to approach this question may be:

    Ø   Shameless

    ü  Variety of different types of characters: age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality etc that may attract different audiences and give them personal identity- explain who and why would be appealed to through some of the characters
    ü  Time of viewing- 10pm so it is for an adult audience.
    ü  Variety of storylines- discuss the storylines that are present in the episode you viewed, how would they attract different audiences and why? 
    ü  Uses and gratifications- people would view the programme to fulfil different needs- explain some of the content of the episode you watched- explain what needs they would they fill, identify who for and reasons why.
    ü  Loyal fans of the series- now on series 9.

    Ø  Crash

    ü  Explain the diverse ethnic representations that may appeal to different audiences in the film- explain the role of a couple of characters and how they may appeal to different audiences
    ü  Certain topics/ issues in the film may appeal to different audiences through the narrative- explain some of the narrative strands and how they may attract different audiences
    ü  The exploration of racism/ discrimination in the film may appeal to different audiences- they may see these representations as an alternative way of presenting them to the world and find this more realistic- explain some of the sequences that may encourage this response
    ü  Uses and Gratifications: Personal Identity, Information, Escapism- explain who, why, when.

    Ø  Nike Advert (Rooney)

    ü  Celebrity endorsement- football fans may be attracted to this advert as he is endorsing the Nike product, explain how they will consume some of the ideologies and how they may agree with them.
    ü  Patriotic audiences may be attracted to this product- explain what is being presented to the audience and how this may agree with their personal social values- this reinforces their beliefs
    ü  Positions audience to take different responses to the advert and controversy- explain who would have these responses and what they would be
    ·         Sum up points you have made briefly about your chosen texts
    ·         Give brief reasons for diverse and different audiences
    ·         Sum up what may attract different  audiences to the same text
    In what ways do different audiences respond differently to the same media text? Refer to your own detailed examples.
    Firstly, look at what they question is asking you.
    1)      Identify ways audiences can respond- take a preferred reading, negotiated or oppositional could be one example of responses.
    2)      Then identify different audiences- gender differences, age, ethnic group, religion etc.
    3)      Then using the ways audiences can respond choose an audience group and show how and why they might respond differently. Eg. Black Men.
    4)       Then select an appropriate text and example. Eg. Crash- Black Youths, Anthony and Peter, represented as criminals and stereotypical through the car-jacking scene.
    5)       Discuss responses your audience group may take e.g. They might take a preferred reading of a text as they fit the lifestyle and age group represented so can relate to the character but could equally reject the stereotype and be very offended that Black people are portrayed in a negative way, as they themselves are very career focused and successful.
    6)       Repeat with another audience group- a gender, age group etc and show their difference responses to the same text.
    Structure of Essay/ Exam Question
    Write a short Intro showing you understand audience. E.g.

    All texts are constructed for a particular audience but often a range of people from a variety of backgrounds will watch, listen or see these texts.
    Audiences will always respond differently in accordance to their own ethnicity, gender and age, not to mention cultural contexts and life experiences. Even if audiences share the same demographics such as their social class or their age group, audiences are still individuals and will respond accordingly.

    Main Body

    • Discuss your examples from 2 or 3 Texts (depending on how many marks the question is worth). Identify a scene from each text and explain using general differences such as ethnic, age, sex, religion, culture, social class etc
    • Explain using theories such as Reception theory and Uses and Gratifications.
    • Be specific and show your understanding.
    • Link wherever you can do your wider contextual knowledge and ideology. What is happening in society today or historically that might make someone respond in a certain way. Are there any current debates concerning the issue you have raised.
    • Whose messages are being represented and how will the audience react to them. This is particularly relevant for texts that aim at an audience such as Middle class white British (Shameless). How would a Working Class audience therefore respond?

    Remember, don’t just drop in theory you must show that you understand!

    Don’t say:
    Muslim people would take an oppositional reading to Shameless.
    Do say:
    Applying the reception theory, Muslim people may take an oppositional reading of this text. This means they would reject the preferred reading of the text, which tries to show humour and a gay character as a normal part of society. Muslims would not support nor be able to relate to homosexuality being explored within this text, as they hold strong religious values that forbid gay relationships. In the past ten years, Gay couples are becoming more prevalent in the media with many soaps, dramas and films featuring Gay characters. However, there has been a rise recently of Muslims reporting abuse from families due to being gay. It is therefore still not accepted in this faith. Additionally, as this text is clearly targeting a White British audience through the cast shown and their lifestyles, this further alienates them from relating to and enjoying this text.

    Very brief summary of the main point you have raised which relate to the question- make sure you answer the question.
    An alternative way of asking this question may be:

    “With reference to your own detailed examples, explore what influences how audiences or users respond to media texts.”

    With reference to your own detailed examples, explore how media texts position audiences and/or users.

    Firstly, you need to be clear about what the question is asking you to focus upon.  When we refer to ‘audience positioning’ we are looking at:

    1. How the audience are placed in a particular position by the text. 

    1. We are also looking at how a media text offers positions to an audience

    1. We are focusing upon how the language (media language- codes and conventions/ content) can produce a particular point of view for the spectator (e.g. through narrative techniques used we are often positioned as an ‘observer’ of the events in a text but sometimes we are included as ‘part of the team’ as in a TV show like CSI)


    • You need to  show you understand that media products need an audience to survive and receive funding
    •  You then need to elaborate on this further by defining what audience positioning is (see above)
    • Highlight how texts are constructed to position audiences in a particular way and use a generic example to illustrate this (e.g. horror films position audience to be scared and excited by use of: technical codes- low-key lighting, emphasised sound effects, music etc)
    • Outline the 2-3 texts you will be exploring

    Main Body:

    You must choose 2-3 texts to explore for this answer depending on how many marks the question is worth.  Texts that may be relevant to use are:

    Ø  Shameless:

    ü  Audience are positioned from the character ‘Liam’s’ point of view through the voiceover- we see the events through his eyes and are positioned to perceive certain characters around him in particular ways (find a textual example to illustrate this)
    ü  The audience of Shameless are positioned to view it from a controversial point of view as the narrative and character functions are presented through extreme stereotypes and use of exaggeration which may shock some viewers (often a negotiated reading of Shameless is taken- some may watch the programme to see how far the boundaries will be pushed.  Find a sequence that illustrates a controversial topic/ storyline)
    ü  Audiences are positioned to gain ‘Entertainment’ as a use and gratification through the use of humour, controversy and taboo subjects the programme approaches.  (Find a sequence that will illustrate entertaining the audience)

    Ø  Nike Advert (Wayne Rooney)

    ü  National Identity/ Patriotism: Audiences are positioned to take a preferred response to the visual codes in this advert by perceiving football as being ‘as important as religion and British culture’ (deconstruct the image to illustrate this- e.g. crucifix-like icon of Rooney). 
    ü  Religious Beliefs: People who consider themselves to be religious may be positioned to take an oppositional response to the text as they may feel insulted that Rooney has been compared, through use of symbolism, to Jesus Christ.  You can argue that Nike as a company may encourage this response from a segment of the audience as the controversy will bring more attention to the advert, thus helping them receive more publicity and PR and promoting their product further (especially as Adidas was the key sports brand sponsor of the World Cup 2010).

    Other texts that you could use to answer this question are:
    ü  West is West (ethnic grouping, regional/ national identity)
    ü  Riots : BBC News/ ITV (National Identity, regional identity, Tabloid pics)
    ü  Dove Evolution (Gender positioning, Issue Perception, Institutional Context)
    ü  Tomb Raider (male gaze, 1st person/P.O.V, third persons)
    ü  Crash (crash scene P.OV shots, L.A’s,  females as weak, males dominate)

    ü  Very brief summary of the main point you have raised which relate to the question- make sure you answer the question.